Important Notices

  • What's on during Week 7 Term 1 Programme?

    ALL WEEK: Community Colour Run Fundraising Updates - The more we raise, the bigger the playgrounds!

    Monday, 17 March: Years 0-3 Teina Team Assembly 2:15pm start in the hall

    Hong Kong Delegation Visit: ALL DAY

    MAC Hui and Principal Delegation Hui: 9am-12:30pm

    Friday, 21 March: Community Colour Run Camera Draw 2:30pm - Be in it to win it!

    Please remember to check the school website calendar for potential changes.

    Hope you all have a wonderful week.

    Ngā mihi

    Mairangi Bay School

  • Sports Programme - Term 1 2025

    Years 1-6 Auckland Cricket Lessons: 10 March - 19 March

    Tennis Cluster Day: Thursday, 13 March - All Day at Campbells Bay Tennis Club

    Competitive Swimming Day: 18 March - 8:30am-12:30pm

    If you have any questions about sport please contact:

    In-school Sport: Di Kruyen at

    After-school Sport: Rebecca Hale at

  • Celebrating our diversity during March.

    March 1: St David's Day
    St David is the patron saint of Wales.

    March 1-29 – Islamic: Ramadan
    A holy month of fasting, prayer, and reflection for Muslims.

    March 4: Shrove Tuesday
    Shrove Tuesday is the English name for the last day before Lent in the Christian calendar.

    March 5 – Christian: Ash Wednesday
    Marks the beginning of Lent, a season of fasting and prayer.

    March 8 – International Women’s Day
    Celebrates the achievements of women and calls for gender equality.

    March 13-14: Purim
    Purim commemorates the time when the Jewish people living in the ancient Achaemenid Persian empire were saved f by a courageous young Jewish woman named Esther and her uncle and adviser Mordecha.

    March 14 – Hindu: Holi
    The festival of colors, celebrating the arrival of spring.

    March 14 – Sikh: Hola Mohalla
    A Sikh festival featuring martial arts, poetry, and community gatherings.

    March 17: St Patrick’s Day
    This day is Ireland’s National Day. St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland.

    March 17-23: Harmony Week
    Harmony Week celebrates the cohesive and inclusive nature of our diverse nation

    March 19-20: Naw-Ruz
    Naw-Ruz is the Baha’i New Year, marking the first day in the Baha’i calendar.

    March 20: Nowruz New Year
    Nowruz means ‘new day’ in Farsi. It is a traditional festival of spring that has been celebrated for more than 3000 years.

    March 30-31: Eid al Fitr
    The Islamic month of fasting, Ramadan, ends with the festival of Eid al Fitr.

    If you are celebrating a cultural event during the month of March, and it is not in the above list, please contact the Principal at

    Celebrating our diversity at Mairangi Bay School as we "learn together to create a better tomorrow".