What's on during Week 8 Term 1 Programme?
ALL WEEK: Community Colour Run Fundraising Updates - The more we raise, the bigger the playgrounds!
- Monday, 24 March: Teacher Only Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
- Wednesday, 26 March: Years 4-6 Diving Assessment - ALL DAY
- Thursday, 27 March: Senior Kapa Haka Practice
- Friday, 28 March: Community Colour Run 1:30pm - 4pm ALL WELCOME!
Please remember to check the school website calendar for potential changes.
Hope you all have a wonderful week.
Ngā mihi
Mairangi Bay School
Sports Programme - Term 1 2025
- Years 1-6 Auckland Cricket Lessons: 10 March - 19 March
- Tennis Cluster Day: Thursday, 13 March - All Day at Campbells Bay Tennis Club
- Competitive Swimming Day: 18 March - 8:30am-12:30pm
If you have any questions about sport please contact:
In-school Sport: Di Kruyen at dianek@mairangibay.school.nz
After-school Sport: Rebecca Hale at sports@mairangibay.school.nz
Celebrating our diversity during March.
March 1: St David's Day
- St David is the patron saint of Wales.
March 1-29 – Islamic: Ramadan
- A holy month of fasting, prayer, and reflection for Muslims.
March 4: Shrove Tuesday
- Shrove Tuesday is the English name for the last day before Lent in the Christian calendar.
March 5 – Christian: Ash Wednesday
- Marks the beginning of Lent, a season of fasting and prayer.
March 8 – International Women’s Day
- Celebrates the achievements of women and calls for gender equality.
March 13-14: Purim
- Purim commemorates the time when the Jewish people living in the ancient Achaemenid Persian empire were saved f by a courageous young Jewish woman named Esther and her uncle and adviser Mordecha.
March 14 – Hindu: Holi
- The festival of colors, celebrating the arrival of spring.
March 14 – Sikh: Hola Mohalla
- A Sikh festival featuring martial arts, poetry, and community gatherings.
March 17: St Patrick’s Day
- This day is Ireland’s National Day. St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland.
March 17-23: Harmony Week
- Harmony Week celebrates the cohesive and inclusive nature of our diverse nation
March 19-20: Naw-Ruz
- Naw-Ruz is the Baha’i New Year, marking the first day in the Baha’i calendar.
March 20: Nowruz New Year
- Nowruz means ‘new day’ in Farsi. It is a traditional festival of spring that has been celebrated for more than 3000 years.
March 30-31: Eid al Fitr
- The Islamic month of fasting, Ramadan, ends with the festival of Eid al Fitr.
If you are celebrating a cultural event during the month of March, and it is not in the above list, please contact the Principal at nathanj@mairangibay.school.nz
Celebrating our diversity at Mairangi Bay School as we "learn together to create a better tomorrow".